Ambert Alert issued for missing 6-year-old believed to be with his dad
Jorge "Jojo" Morales was last seen in the 23700 block of SW 184 Avenue in Miami.

Ambert Alert issued for missing 6-year-old believed to be with his dad
On Friday, an Amber Alert was issued for a missing 6-year-old autistic boy who has been missing since Saturday morning.The boy is believed to be with his dad and grandmother.
It took a series of steps within the investigation for authorities to deem this a kidnapping.
Once it reached that threshold, an Ambert Alert was issued in hopes of finding 6-year-old Jojo.
"I hope that my baby knows that I'm looking for him. That I'm here."
Yanet Leal Concepcion knew something was wrong when her ex-husband did not bring her son back to her home on Saturday.
She contacted the police immediately.
"We had somebody else open the apartment to the show police. They were gone. Everything was gone."
She says investigators began the search right away.
Mom became concerned about her son's safety well before he went missing. "Jojo," as he's affectionately called, told her something his dad said.
"'We are going to move somewhere where there are windmills. Can you come with me?' That's what he kept telling me."
What Jojo said, among other things, raised red flags. Now her worst nightmare has become a reality.
But investigators uncovered a disturbing fact. "They found that he's been planning this for a year," said Concepcion.
The mom also tells us Morales, Jojo's dad, wrote a letter to his father saying, "I'm sorry. I have to take my son and go."
By Thursday, an arrest warrant was issued for the father. By Friday, "it becomes a criminal matter of kidnapping," said Zabaleta.
The evolving investigation is why authorities explain it took nearly a week to issue an Amber Alert.
"We don't want it to be just 10,000 officers looking for this child," said the detective. "We want 2.7 million people looking for this child. It makes that much more difficult for the dad to move."

MEDIA - JORGE MORALES: Missing from Miami, FL since 27 Aug 2022 - Age 6
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