Isolde Deirdre Yockey
Missing Age - 31 Years
Current Age - 78 Years
First Name - Isolde
Middle Name - Deirdre
Last Name - Yockey
Sex - Female
Height - 5' 3" (63 Inches)
Weight - 125 lbs
Hair Color - Brown (curly, short)
Eye Color - Hazel
Race / Ethnicity - White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact - August 1, 1975
Location - Houston, Texas
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
By bringing people, information, forensic science and technology together, NamUs helps resolve cases.
Missing Age - 31 Years
Current Age - 78 Years
First Name - Isolde
Middle Name - Deirdre
Last Name - Yockey
Sex - Female
Height - 5' 3" (63 Inches)
Weight - 125 lbs
Hair Color - Brown (curly, short)
Eye Color - Hazel
Race / Ethnicity - White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact - August 1, 1975
Location - Houston, Texas
ISOLDE DEIRDRE YOCKEY has been #missing from Houston, #TEXAS since 1 August 1975 - Age 31
Isolde was last seen in Houston, Texas in 1975.
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