As Lake Mead continues to shrink, human remains have been discovered for the fourth time since May.
National Park Service rangers received a call reporting human skeletal remains on Saturday morning at Swim Beach in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, according to a National Park Service press release.
The Clark County Medical Examiner was called to determine the cause of death.
Three other bodies have been discovered in the shrinking lake recently. The first body was discovered in early May, and police believe it dates back to the late 1970s to early 1980s and are investigating it as a homicide, according to CNN.
The second set of remains was found on May 7 at Callville Bay and the third on July 25 at Swim Beach, according to the National Park Service.
A National Park Service spokesperson told CNN a possible explanation for some of the remains is that they could be people who drowned in the lake when the water levels were higher in the 1980s.
Water levels for the lake were at their highest in 1983 at 1225 feet.

Dropping water levels reveal a fourth set of human remains in Lake Mead
The National Park Service reported a fourth set of human remains discovered in Lake Mead on Saturday as drought continues to cause the lake to shrink. If the Lake keeps shrinking, the Hoover Dam won’t function.

How many unidentified remains will be found as Lake Mead's water levels continue to decrease? #mystery
As the water levels decrease, more remains continue to be discovered. Who were they? Part of the mob? Drowning victims?

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