Netherlands TANJA GROEN: Missing from Maastricht, Netherlands - 31 August 1993 - Age 18


Tanja Afra Maria Groen Missing since August 31, 1993 from Maastricht, Netherlands.

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The disappearance of Tanya Green concerns the Dutch disappearance case that revolved around the close of the summer of 1993 Maastricht missing 18-year old student Tanya Green. Green came from Schagen and would just start with the study health sciences. [1] Both Green and her bike, which disappeared simultaneously with her, were never found.

Tanja Afra Maria Green ( Schagen , June 23, 1975) disappeared on the night of August 31 to September 1, 1993 after a hazing party at the student association Circumflex in the center of Maastricht to her room in Gronsveld cycled. There she never arrived. The weekend after her disappearance she would go to her parents in Schagen.

Despite a thorough and prolonged quest for Green was there for years and there was nothing found so nothing is known about her fate. From the beginning, however, the police went out of crime. Concrete suspects were not there, was already being studied or could be established links with previously convicted murderers as William S. And Marc Dutroux.

In the summer of 2012 was, on the instructions of a dowser, a bike surfaced from the Meuse. He was not to be Green and the investigation was reattached. At the end of June 2014 human bones were found by a hiker in a field in Gronsveld. However, after an investigation by the Dutch Forensic Institute has shown that these bones are not from Green. ... miste/674/

Translated by Google translate

Tanja Afra Maria GREEN
Date and place of birth: Schagen, 1975
last residence: Gronsveld

Length 1.70 m, medium build, brown eyes, dark long hair with blow, brown eyes, fresh look. Blue jeans, pink T-shirt with the inscription 'Tanja' gray pullover, dark blue sports jacket (Guerrier), black shoes with silver clips.

Wanted by: family

Additional info:

The 17-year old student Tanya Green disappeared on the night of Tuesday, August 31 on Wednesday, September 1st, 1993 around 0:15 pm. She went from a student party in Maastricht to ride her bike to her house in Gronsveld. Since then heard nothing more from her. Tanja's bike is not recovered. ... Maastricht
Disappearance of Tanja Green

Place presumably between Maastricht and Gronsveld, Netherlands
Coordinates 50 ° 49 'N, 5 ° 44' E
Date disappeared on the night of August 31 to September 1, 1993
Perpetrator (s) unknown
Victim (s) Tanja Green (18)
Disappearance of Tanja Green

The disappearance of Tanya Green concerns the Dutch disappearance case that revolved around the near Maastricht in the summer of 1993 as 18-year old student Tanya Green. Green came from Schagen and would just start with the health sciences study.
Both Green and her bike, which disappeared simultaneously with her, were never found.

Tanja Afra Maria Green (Schagen, June 23, 1975) disappeared on the night of August 31 to September 1, 1993 after a hazing party on the student association Circumflex in the center of Maastricht to her room in Gronsveld cycled. There she never arrived. The weekend after her disappearance she would go to her parents in Schagen.

Criminal investigation
Despite a thorough and lengthy search for Green was there for years nothing was found and there was thus nothing is known about her fate. From the beginning, however, the police went out of crime. Concrete suspects were not there, although it was possible to be examined whether established links with previously convicted murderers as William S. and Marc Dutroux.

In the summer of 2012 was, on the instructions of a dowser, a bike surfaced from the Meuse. He turned out to be Green and the investigation was reattached. End June 2014 human bones were found by a walker in a field in Gronsveld. But after an investigation by the Dutch Forensic Institute has shown that these bones are not from Green.
Peter R. de Vries has been offering a reward of 2268.90 euros for the finder of Tanja's bike. ... ossier.htm

On the night of August 31 to September 1, 1993, about a quarter past twelve leaves Tanja Groen student Circumflex the Herbennusstraat in the center of Maastricht.
The 18-year-old freshman student health sciences cycle after a party at the club to her room in the nearby village of Gronsveld. They will however never there.

Not only Neil is gone, even her bicycle no trace. It is a black-painted ladies bike from the Town Cheese brand. Under the saddle stand postcode and house number engraved: 1815 CG1. And under the bottom bracket is the frame number: 19 875.

The detective pulls out all the stops to solve the mysterious disappearance of the young student, but there is no trace of found her.

The loss of Tanja keep tempers in Maastricht and North Holland Schagen, where her parents Arie and Corrie churning. Many visit the prayer service in Schagen and students find it, for example by a poster campaign in Maastricht. Police suspends its search on September 17, 1993 because of the girl no trace residue. No single tip has led to even the slightest sign of life.

Numerous television programs have paid to the matter in the course of the years attention. So led the then television program Tros Deadline and Tineke's Paranormal World to dozens of new tips, but also their investigations were fruitless.

We also pay attention to the disappearance. Namely on March 11, 1996 with a broadcast-filling file. It was deployed include a helicopter.

Tanja is the night of her disappearance have taken different routes because of the student to her room in Gronsveld.
Victim:Tanja Green
Offense date:September 1, 1993
Crime scene:

Reward:Peter R. de Vries has been offering a reward of 2268.90 euros for the finder of Tanja's bike.

Peter in the studio on March 11, 1996

A distance of about 6 to 7 kilometers. And to get a good view of it looks Tanja's mother Corrie together with Peter the situation from the air.

And on our initiative reveals the criminal investigation into the broadcast data of Tanja's bicycle,

which had been kept secret until then hoping that the bike maybe ever would be found in the possible killer Tanja. In the same broadcast, we laud 2268.90 euros for the finder of the bike.

But also our commitment and investigations do not lead to the long-awaited denouement of the disappearance mystery.

In an interview in the newspaper Noordhollands late August 1996 late father Arie Green that he does not consider it unlikely that Marc Dutroux behind the disappearance of his daughter could sit. Tanja Groen indeed disappear in the time this Belgian child abductor, rapist and killer still on the loose.

Literally Green Arie says: "Can you understand when I say that I almost hope? I hope that after all these years of debilitating uncertainty can finally say goodbye to our daughter? "

As it seems that this terrible suspicion is truth, because the parents of Tanja be contacted in February 1997 by the Belgian police. They may among the items found in the Dutroux affair search for traces of their daughter.

But huge pile of up to 4500 items of clothing, stuffed animals and other things is nothing Tanja. There is no link between Marc Dutroux and Tanja Green.

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SCHAGEN - Exactly 25 years ago the 18-year-old Tanja Groen from Schagen disappeared from the earth. Corrie and Adrie Groen still grope in the dark about what happened to their daughter.

"I do not know where those years have gone," says Tanja's father in NH Reportage. The loss of their daughter does not wear out over the years. On the contrary: "Missing is getting worse," says Corrie Groen.

"We live very much with the parents of Nicky Verstappen, but we still have nothing. Where did she stay, who did something to her? Those questions play through my mind every day. "

Tanja disappears in Maastricht on the evening of August 31, 1993. She then lives in rooms for a week. From the club of the student association Tanja leaves that evening alone on her bike to her room in Gronsveld, just outside the city.

From that moment on she is missing. Nothing is ever recovered from her. Not even her bike.

"Still, you have to keep hope that it will come true," says Corrie. "But we are getting older and sometimes I'm afraid we will never know what happened."

Sunday, Tanja, like all other years, is commemorated with white roses during a church service in Schagen. The extra attention makes it even harder this year than in other years. "I am very sad about it", says Corrie. "The worst thing is not to know what happened to your child that just disappeared from the face of the earth." ... sekalender

MAASTRICHT / HOLLANDS KROON - For the fourth year in a row, the police are publishing a cold-case calendar. For Limburg there are five things on the calendar in 2020. In this way, the police try to draw attention to long-term cases again, hoping for a breakthrough.

The Limburg cases focus on a missing person case, a robbery and three murders.
Missing case
In 2020, Tanja Groen's missing case is on the calendar. The 18-year-old student disappeared on the night of August 31 to September 1, 1993, after a visit to a student party in Maastricht. After that, nothing was heard from her again.

“Even though things are years old, it is important for the relatives to get clarity about what happened to their loved ones. The uncertainty in which people live keeps on gnawing. I therefore hope that we will receive tips on the issues of the cold case calendar 2020 again this year. But of course, information about other matters is also welcome ”, says project leader coldcases Limburg Bob Willemsen.

Tips and information
Information and tips can be digitally transmitted via , by calling 0800-6070 or M 0800-7000 or a confidential conversation through the Criminal Investigation Team 0800-7060. The information about cold case matters can also be found on the Facebook page Cold Case Police Limburg and on ... d-in-1993/

The Dutch Police are currently searching a grave yard looking for Tanja Groen's remains.

Police open Maastricht grave in hunt for student who vanished in 1993

Maastricht police have opened a grave at a cemetery in the city in their hunt for the remains of an 18-year-old health sciences student who disappeared in 1993. Tanja Groen vanished on August 31 on her way home from a party at the Circumflex student society in the southern Dutch town. She left the party around midnight to cycle home to her lodgings in Gronsveld but was never seen again.

Police said in a statement that they have ‘very serious’ information which may lead to finding her body. The grave which is being opened had been newly dug at the time of her disappearance and ‘there was a burial in it on September 1,’ the public prosecution department said.

Footage on the Telegraaf website shows a large white tent has been placed over one of the graves as police and forensic experts arrive. The contents of the grave will be searched ‘layer by layer’ to preserve any evidence, police said. Cold case investigators were tipped of about the possible location for her body last autumn and her family were told that the grave would be opened this week.

‘We will be so relieved if there is an end to this uncertainty and we can finally bring our daughter home’ her mother Corrie said in a statement.
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Cold case police find no traces of missing student in grave despite tip-off

Maastricht police hunting for the remains of an 18-year-old health sciences student who disappeared in 1993 have failed to find any traces of her body in a grave which they reopened on Wednesday. The grave had been newly dug at the time of Tanja Groen’s disappearance and ‘there was a burial in it on September 1,’ the public prosecution department said ahead of the search.

Early on Wednesday evening, police reported that they had found nothing untoward in the grave. ‘We are extremely disappointed,’ cold case team spokesman Bob Willemsen said. Tanja Groen vanished on August 31 on her way home from a party at the Circumflex student society in the southern Dutch town. She left the party around midnight to cycle home to her lodgings in Gronsveld but was never seen again. ... thing.html

Search for the remains of missing Tanja Groen does not yield anything

The search for the remains of Tanja Groen, a student missing since 1993 in a cemetery in Maastricht, has yielded nothing. Last fall, the cold case team from the Limburg police received information that the remains of the 18-year-old Groen might be in a grave. That grave was opened today and examined layer by layer by forensic investigators, with no results. The grave is now closed again. The stone is replaced as quickly as possible.

The family has been informed, the police say. “He is very disappointed, just like the team that searched here.” The investigation into the loss continues when the police see new leads. “We hope that we get the right information once and can give Tanjas parents a rest.”
Disappearance after student party

Crime journalist Peter R. de Vries, who is the spokesperson for the relatives, said earlier today that Groen may have been put in a grave. “The scenario is that the night she disappeared, she was murdered and put in a freshly dug grave by the perpetrator, into which the next day a coffin went into with a deceased person, and the grave was closed.”

Tanja Groen was on his way home on Tuesday 31 August 1993. That evening she had been to a party of a student association and left around midnight for the village of Gronsveld, about eight kilometers south of Maastricht. From that moment on, every trace was missing. She was reported missing by her parents a few days later. ... dacht.html

Tanja Green commemorated

Published: 24-08-2016 | 12:49:00

Last updated: 24-08-2016 | 10:51:18

SCHAGEN - The Christoforuskerk in Schagen is Saturday held a church service where the missing Neil Green from Schagen central.

Tanja disappeared on the night of August 31 to September 1, 1993 after a party in the student association Circumflex cycled in the center of Maastricht to her room in Gronsveld.

Since she never arrived. Tanja and her bike was never found a trace.

During the church father Adrie Green lights a baptismal candle. Her mother Corrie read a poem.

The service starts at 19:00.

Sep 02, 2016#35 ... _regionaal


"Tanya, where are you?" Corrie Green, the mother of the missing Tanja Green reads at the beginning of the service, an emotional poem.

SCHAGEN - More than 250 people fell Saturday night at the Eucharistic celebration in the Christoforuskerk just completely silent with the emotional poem 'Tanja' Corrie Green beside the altar wore for her 23 years missing daughter Tanya Green.

In summary: "Yet another year there. Yet another white rose in the vase. 23 roses are there now. I look at your picture and will always call your name 'Tanja, where are you ..' Pastor Eduard Moltzer spoke nice words to Corrie and her husband Adrie. I commend you, because despite the loss of your daughter you guys always feel it with someone else's grief.'' ... anja-groen

Even though she has been missing for 24 years, the police sent a call on Facebook on Wednesday to bring Tanja Groen's attention again.

The call was made by the police in the theme month 'Miss you may?'. This month, the Dutch police will post a message about someone who has been missing for years, like Tanja Groen, hoping for new information.

The Maastricht students from Schagen disappeared from the soil almost 25 years ago on August 31, 1993. The then 18 year old left midnight from the city to her in Gronsveld. However, she never came to that. Large-scale searches did not produce anything at the time. The police seriously take into account a crime.

Those who have more information can report to the Cold Case Team of the Limburg police. ... 5880690118

The Cold Case squad police limburg, requires your attention for the disappearance of Tanya Green in 1993. After the end of the pledge week at maastricht in 1993 seems to be a student Tanya Green disappeared off the face of the earth. The then 18-Year-old from the Northern Dutch Schagen left on 31 August 1993 (around midnight) on the bike, starting to be featured on the circumflex herbenusstraat. She cycled towards her room to Christchurch, but never came there. Parents, family, fellow students and the police have done everything we can to find her.

There are in the period from 1993 to present a lot of tips investigated and tactical inquiries. To date, this does not have to find Tanya Green LED and the police are still serious therefore take into account that tanja has become a victim of a crime.

Do you have information about Tanya? Please let it be known to the cold case squad of police limburg. This can be done in various ways: through the mail to the team (Coldcase.Limburg@Politie.Nl) or the National Bureau of missing persons (Info@Lbvp.Info). You can also call 0900-8844, report crime anonymously via 0800-7000 or the team criminal Information via 079-3458999.

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