51UFNY - Unidentified Female
Reconstructions of the victim by Carl Koppelman, NCMEC, Judy Reimer and Project EDAN. To view a postmortem photo of the victim, click here.
Date of Discovery: February 14, 1988
Location of Discovery: Mount Vernon, Westchester County, New York
Estimated Date of Death: 6-12 hours prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Homicide by asphyxiation and blunt force trauma
Physical Description
Estimated Age: 18-30 years old
Race: White, but possibly native to South America
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Hair Color: Light brown, bleached blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Freckles and some moles on her face. Her underarms had about 2 weeks worth of growth. Recent shaving of pubic hair. No scars or tattoos noted. Both ears pierced but no earrings present. Press-on nails painted with reddish-pink fingernail polish. Untrimmed eyebrows.
Dentals: Available. Natural teeth with no fillings or decay.
Fingerprints: Available.
DNA: Sample submitted - Tests complete
Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: None.
Jewelry: None
Additional Personal Items: None
Circumstances of Discovery
The victim's nude body was discovered lying in a city street in Mount Vernon, approximately 10 miles north of Manhattan, New York at 11:54 AM.
She was bound at the wrists and ankles and her body appeared to be in a posed position.
Autopsy results indicated the victim had cocaine and broccoli in her stomach.
Police suspect she was the victim of a serial killer and that she may have been a prostitute.
It is also possible that she was from overseas, due to her unshaven underarms.
Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: Westchester County Medical Examiner's Office
Agency Contact Person: Detective Christopher DiMase
Agency Phone Number: 914-231-1600
Agency E-Mail: cdimase@pd.cmvny.com
Agency Case Number: MEW 88-410
Agency Name: Mount Vernon Police Department
Agency Contact Person: N/A
Agency Phone Number: 914-665-2510 or 915-665-2573
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: Unknown
NCIC Case Number: U288016763
NamUs Case Number: 10229
Information Source(s)
Hellbeasts - A Blog About Crime and Injustice
Crime Watch Daily
Cold Case - Missing Female
Westchester County Medical Examiner's Office
Can You Identify Me: America's Unidentified
-Click the Report button if you'd like this case moved to the general discussion area to be opened for commenting.

Reconstructions of the victim by Carl Koppelman, NCMEC, Judy Reimer and Project EDAN. To view a postmortem photo of the victim, click here.
Date of Discovery: February 14, 1988
Location of Discovery: Mount Vernon, Westchester County, New York
Estimated Date of Death: 6-12 hours prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Homicide by asphyxiation and blunt force trauma
Physical Description
Estimated Age: 18-30 years old
Race: White, but possibly native to South America
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Hair Color: Light brown, bleached blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Freckles and some moles on her face. Her underarms had about 2 weeks worth of growth. Recent shaving of pubic hair. No scars or tattoos noted. Both ears pierced but no earrings present. Press-on nails painted with reddish-pink fingernail polish. Untrimmed eyebrows.
Dentals: Available. Natural teeth with no fillings or decay.
Fingerprints: Available.
DNA: Sample submitted - Tests complete
Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: None.
Jewelry: None
Additional Personal Items: None
Circumstances of Discovery
The victim's nude body was discovered lying in a city street in Mount Vernon, approximately 10 miles north of Manhattan, New York at 11:54 AM.
She was bound at the wrists and ankles and her body appeared to be in a posed position.
Autopsy results indicated the victim had cocaine and broccoli in her stomach.
Police suspect she was the victim of a serial killer and that she may have been a prostitute.
It is also possible that she was from overseas, due to her unshaven underarms.
Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: Westchester County Medical Examiner's Office
Agency Contact Person: Detective Christopher DiMase
Agency Phone Number: 914-231-1600
Agency E-Mail: cdimase@pd.cmvny.com
Agency Case Number: MEW 88-410
Agency Name: Mount Vernon Police Department
Agency Contact Person: N/A
Agency Phone Number: 914-665-2510 or 915-665-2573
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: Unknown
NCIC Case Number: U288016763
NamUs Case Number: 10229
Information Source(s)
Hellbeasts - A Blog About Crime and Injustice
Crime Watch Daily
Cold Case - Missing Female
Westchester County Medical Examiner's Office
Can You Identify Me: America's Unidentified
-Click the Report button if you'd like this case moved to the general discussion area to be opened for commenting.
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