CO CHRISTOPHER ABEYTA: Missing from Colorado Springs, CO - 15 July 1986 - Age 7 months


Christopher's photo is shown age-progressed to 32 years. He was discovered missing from his crib in the early hours of July 15, 1986.
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In the early morning hours of July 15, 1986, Christopher's parents couldn't locate their son. They had put him to bed at midnight and found his crib empty in the morning. Their garage door opener was missing and a basement window was open. Christopher has never been heard from again. At 6:30 a.m., his parents alerted the police. Arriving officers couldn't find any signs of forced entry, but the front door was unlocked on the night of his disappearance.

Members of Christopher's family initially seemed like potential suspects in his case. His parents had separated prior to his disappearance but were reconciling, and the night of Christopher's disappearance was the first night his father had spent in the home since the separation. His mother failed two polygraph exams, which she attributed to a withdrawal from tranquilizers.

Authorities haven't cleared either of Christopher's parents of involvement in the case or charged them in connection with it. Three weeks after he vanished, they drained Quail Lake, three blocks from the family's home, to search for his body. They recovered nothing.

Christopher's family member refuse to consider him deceased. They believe he and his guardians don't know he's an abducted child. Christopher's loved ones operate a site featuring information about his case. Texas and New Mexico top the list of his possible locations. According to the website, the family had been receiving hang-up phone calls for about six months before Christopher disappeared. The calls stopped when he vanished, then resumed again several months later.

His sister believes the abductor was Emma Bradshaw, a woman who'd had an affair with Christopher's father and had a history of break-ins. Bradshaw maintains her innocence in the baby's disappearance and the police have not named her as a suspect. In 2015, Bradshaw won a civil judgement for $150,000 against Christopher's sister for interfering with her employment.

Some time after Christopher's disappearance, the Colorado Springs Police Department destroyed most of the case evidence; his family accused them of negligence and incompetence in their investigation. His disappearance remains unsolved.

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Family of Baby Stolen From Crib Has Spent 33 Years Searching: ‘You Don’t Just Stop Looking’

Denise Alves remembers feeding her 7-month-old baby brother a bottle, then carrying the sleeping baby upstairs and lying him in his crib. The next thing she remembers is her mother waking her around 5 a.m. on July 15, 1986, frantic because baby Christopher was missing.

Christopher slept in a crib at the foot of their parents’ bed. Denise, 15 at the time, was in the next room. No one heard anyone break into the house and take him – but in the morning, he was gone.

“You don’t just stop looking for someone,” Denise says.

Just last year, three men were DNA tested who thought they might be Christopher. They weren’t, but new leads continue to come in daily from around the world. His case file is more than 5,000 pages long – a new report was added last week, Isham says. Police have received a tip from every state in the country – and just last week, a tip was received that a man in Brazil might be Christopher.

“The family has always held out hope that he was out there and he was going to turn up someday,” says Isham. “It still could happen. But it’s a tough one.”

Some time after Christopher's disappearance, the Colorado Springs Police Department destroyed most of the case evidence; his family accused them of negligence and incompetence in their investigation. His disappearance remains unsolved.
Why the h*ll would the police have done this??? (Rhetorical question, obviously). I can see no reason for doing such a stupid thing. :mad: JMO.

Missing Colorado Springs child Christopher Abeyta featured in Netflix series​

Christopher Abeyta, who went missing from his crib in Colorado Springs in 1986 when he was 7 months old, was one of several missing persons featured in a recent episode of the Netflix series "Unsolved Mysteries."

The episode entitled "Stolen Kids" dropped Oct. 19 on the streaming service and primarily focuses on two toddlers who vanished from the same New York City park in 1989. It concludes by showing the pictures of several children, including Abeyta, who were abducted and includes when and where they were last seen.
There is a Woman that is a prime suspect in the kidnapping. I find it strange that he was kidnapped from his crib at the end of his mother's bed. However that night the father with whom she had been separated from spent the night unexpectedly. He had been having an affair. With the suspect. The Mother had been receiving prank calls before and after as the grandparents. Both Christopher's parents are now deceased.
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There is a Woman that is a prime suspect in the kidnapping. I find it strange that he was kidnapped from his crib at the end of his mother's bed. However that night the father with whom she had been separated from spent the night unexpectedly. He had been having an affair. Not with the suspect. The Mother had been receiving prank calls before and after as the grandparents. Both Christopher's parents are now deceased.
WITH the suspect.

Missing Colorado Springs child Christopher Abeyta featured in Netflix series​

Christopher Abeyta, who went missing from his crib in Colorado Springs in 1986 when he was 7 months old, was one of several missing persons featured in a recent episode of the Netflix series "Unsolved Mysteries."

The episode entitled "Stolen Kids" dropped Oct. 19 on the streaming service and primarily focuses on two toddlers who vanished from the same New York City park in 1989. It concludes by showing the pictures of several children, including Abeyta, who were abducted and includes when and where they were last seen.
The kids taken at the same park were taken on the same day of the week and disappeared after playing with the same children.
Lots of activity on Christopher's Facebook page over the last 2 weeks or so. Nothing new, but lots of posts about his case and POI.

Cold case: Who kidnapped Christopher Abeyta 35 years ago?​

On July 15, 1986, the Colorado Springs Police Department said seven-month-old Christopher Abeyta was taken from his parents’ bedroom sometime between 12:30-2:30 a.m. The home was located on Ashwood Circle in southwestern Colorado Springs.

Foul play is suspected in Abeyta’s kidnapping.

The investigation into Abeyta’s disappearance remains an active and open investigation with the Colorado Springs Police Department’s Missing Persons and Cold Case Units.

In Feb. of 2019, CSPD tested and received results from three DNA samples from people who believed they might be Abeyta. However, the results revealed that none of the samples were a match.

Christopher’s mother, Bernice Abeyta, passed away of cancer in 2017. His father, Gil, died after a heart attack in 2020.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children released an age progression photo of Abeyta in 2018. They used family photos and technology to create a photo of what Abeyta might look like at 32-years-old.

In 2013, the family announced a $100,000 reward for information in Abeyta’s kidnapping.

Anyone with information about Christopher’s disappearance should call Colorado Springs police at 719-444-7000, or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-843-5678. You can also contact Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 719-634-7867.


MISSING: Colorado Springs police continue to ask the public for help with locating Christopher Abeyta, reward increased to $200,000​

The search for answers continues 36 years after a baby was reported missing in Colorado Springs.

Christopher Abeyta, 7 months old at the time, was last seen in his crib at about 12:30 in the morning on July 15, 1986. No suspects have been identified and the case is cold. Abeyta lived in the 3300 block of Ashwood Circle.

“We’re not going to stop looking for him,” Denise Alves the sister of Christopher told 11 News in 2018. “We’re not going to stop seeking answers. We’re going to continue to do what we’ve done for three decades.”

On Friday, Alves spoke with 11 News and stated the reward was increased to $200,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for Christopher’s disappearance. The increased reward is only available until Aug. 15, 2022.

Anyone with information is asked to call 719-444-7000. You can also call 1-800-The-Lost.

MISSING: Colorado Springs police continue to ask the public for help with locating Christopher Abeyta, reward increased to $200,000​

The search for answers continues 36 years after a baby was reported missing in Colorado Springs.

Christopher Abeyta, 7 months old at the time, was last seen in his crib at about 12:30 in the morning on July 15, 1986. No suspects have been identified and the case is cold. Abeyta lived in the 3300 block of Ashwood Circle.

“We’re not going to stop looking for him,” Denise Alves the sister of Christopher told 11 News in 2018. “We’re not going to stop seeking answers. We’re going to continue to do what we’ve done for three decades.”

On Friday, Alves spoke with 11 News and stated the reward was increased to $200,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for Christopher’s disappearance. The increased reward is only available until Aug. 15, 2022.

Anyone with information is asked to call 719-444-7000. You can also call 1-800-The-Lost.
I've never heard of a reward having a cutoff date like a contest.
When I was in college, I was in a psychology class with a young man that looked JUST LIKE the age-progression picture of Christopher at the time. I actually posted about it online (I think a Facebook post about his disappearance) and someone from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children actually reached out to me to get info on the guy. That was many years ago so nothing ever came of it.

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