AZ CHELSEA GRIMM: Missing from Williams, AZ during trip from California to Connecticut - 28 Sept 2023 - Age 32

Woman on cross-country trip missing, hasn't been seen in weeks
Authorities in Arizona are searching for a missing woman who disappeared, reportedly while driving from San Diego to Connecticut.

The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office said Chelsea Grimm was last seen on Sept. 28 in Williams, Ariz., though “she was possibly with her vehicle” on Sept. 30.

Grimm’s car was found by hunters on Oct. 5. They called to report a suspicious vehicle northeast of Ashfork, Ariz.


MEDIA - CHELSEA GRIMM: Missing from Williams, AZ during trip from California to Connecticut - 28 Sept 2023 - Age 32
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Parents of photographer Chelsea Grimm who vanished on cross-country road trip says she told them when she reached Arizona that 'I just don't think I can do this by myself'​

Missing photographer Chelsea Grimm had abandoned her plans to drive across the country from her San Diego home by the time she vanished in Arizona, her parents have revealed.

The 32-year-old chose to drive the 2,860 miles to a wedding in Connecticut because she could not bear to be parted from her pet lizard, Roxy.

But she disappeared just six days into the journey after telling her parents 'I just don't think I can do this by myself'.

She set out on September 24 but there has been no sign of her since her car was found locked and with two flat tires in Kaibab National Forest just northeast of Ash Fork on October 5.

'The day she was supposed to fly east she called and said I'm going to drive across the country,' her mother Janet Grimm told NewsNation.

'She said I've packed my car I have my tent and my sleeping bag, I might spend a couple of nights in a hotel, I might camp, I'll sort of see how it goes.

'Three days later she was only as far as Arizona and she said I just don't think I can do this by myself.

'So she said I'm just going to skip the wedding and stay here for couple of days and do a little camping, and she made it sound like she was going to head back to San Diego.'

'The magnitude of this adventure of driving across the country was a lot even for Chelsea and we said we thought that was too much and if she wanted, we'd help her fly from Phoenix,' father Stephen Grimm said.

'But she seemed intent on this once she had chosen it.'

Chelsea had planned to document 'lost and forgotten people' for an art project on her cross-country journey, and met up with a friend in Phoenix on September 27.

'We last talked on the 27th in the afternoon and she said I'm probably going to camp for a couple of days,' said Janet.

'So for a couple of days we didn't even think about her, she told us she would be offline and we knew she'd be in an area of Arizona where there are spots not good for communication.

'It was a couple of days after that that we started thinking this is too long for a camping trip.'

Shortly after speaking to her mother for the last time Chelsea cancelled a lunch date with her friend she had planned for the following day, and a police officer found her in distress that following evening while parked near a war memorial in Williams County.

'I just was doing a photo shoot of the lost soldiers and got a little emotional, so I was crying before I got back on the road,' she told him in her last filmed exchange.

Two days later a woodcutter outside Ashfork was the last person known to have seen her.

'He thought she did not seem in distress or in need,' Chelsea's father Stephen Grimm said.

'He went back to make sure she didn't want help and she declined, so his conclusion was that she was in pretty good shape.'

Nothing more was seen of her until her car was found abandoned by hunters in Kaibab Forest on October 5, a day after her parents reported her missing.

'There is a chance she got a ride out of there,' said her father.

'She seemed to leave that car in an organized way of her own volition and taken her wallet and we think her phone and her sleeping bag among other things along with the bearded dragon.'

Her family are convinced that her love for animals would have not have allowed her to do anything that would harm her beloved pet and have hired a private detective to assist police in the search.

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Wow. Praying she is safe. That is a lot, too much for right now so going to think on it before commenting and largely because reeling from Lisk news after finishing a long five day stretch with OT.

Not seeing any real reason outright leaning towards foul play on first read. Not that there couldn't be based on the story and sightings but no reason to jump to it so that's good... She isn't a teen or 20s, she is in her 30s so I'd think not immature or naive although a cross country trip coast to coast basically, wow. Because of a lizard and for a wedding... I have to stop as my brain won't be responsibly behaved right now.

Have no leaning as I am not going to let myself try to too tiredly explore thoughts on something new.

I do pray she is okay, that's why i came in and try to on every new one, hoping hope and prayer helps.
I have to wonder if she didn’t take a hike and either hurt her self and couldn’t get back to the car, or got disoriented and couldn’t find her way back to the car. How sad! She definitely was in over her head traveling that far by herself.

Chelsea Grimm: Artist and photographer vanished on a road trip​

Two months after Chelsea Grimm embarked on a cross-country adventure, her family has no idea what happened to the artist and photographer who disappeared after saying she changed her mind and was planning to return home.
Looks like some new bodycam footage has been released. (I haven't watched it yet.)

Those clothes could be a lot of different things from her getting hot and taking them off, thinking she would pick them up on her way back - which leads to did she not make it back or forgot them or took a different route? - all the way to somebody else hanging them there - which leads to was it just somebody that found them on the ground and hung them up so maybe somebody would see their missing items to were they hung there by somebody that did something to her? Anything sounds just as likely as anther to me with this one.

  • Morgan Smith and Wendy Howell
  • 23 hrs ago
WILLIAMS, Ariz. — It’s been six months since Chelsea Grimm, 32, went missing under suspicious circumstances west of Williams.

Oct. 5, 2023, Grimm was on a road trip from her home in San Diego to Connecticut for a wedding when she stopped in Arizona and went missing, according to Coconino County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO).

Her family reported her missing after she failed to meet a friend in Phoenix.

On Oct. 4, CCSO Public Information Officer Jon Paxton said hunters in the area reported that they found Grimm’s vehicle abandoned on a remote road between Williams and Ash Fork and that it had been sitting there since Oct. 3. Upon further investigation, the car had two flat tires, and some belongings were still inside the car. Grimm’s phone, wallet and bearded dragon are still missing, according to CCSO.

At the time, CCSO deputies conducted searches in the area, but found no further evidence.

Today, the investigation continues but active searches by CCSO have been suspended, according to CCSO Public Information Officer Jon Paxton.

Despite the end of active searches, the case is still an active investigation and has been assigned to a CCSO detective.

“I think our strongest theory right now is that she tried to walk out or she got into a vehicle with somebody,” he said. “If you’ve been in that area you know you can’t go a mile without coming across a road. So it (doesn’t seem) like she would wander out in the wilderness and never find a road - and there are hunters all over the place.”

Additionally, CCSO remains in contact with Grimm’s family to keep them updated on any new evidence.

“If they call us with anything, we will follow up on it,” Paxton said. “We touch base with them every so often. If we find something or hear something, we let them know.”

CCSO is also in contact with Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office to keep them updated on cases within their county and to share any new leads.

Just before Grimm’s disappearance in Oct. 5, a Williams Police Department officer responded to a call Sept. 28 about suspicious activity at the Williams Cemetery.

Grimm was found in her vehicle and said she had been taking photographs of headstones in the cemetery. She appeared upset, according to body cam footage from the officer.

Grimm mentioned that she didn't have a hotel because she planned on camping out for the night. The officer asked if she was okay and then recommended locations where she could sleep in her vehicle in town.

On Sept. 30, woodcutters reportedly spoke with Grimm in Kaibab National Forest but did not observe anything unusual.

“They observed her car later when it was getting dark and asked her if everything was good,” he said. “She made no indication that anything was wrong on the 30th.”

The Sheriff’s Office is asking if anyone remembers seeing or having any contact with Chelsea or her bearded dragon, to call (928) 774-4523.
I wonder if the bearded dragon got away from her and she went to find it and got lost?
I've thought about that, too. Also I just noticed them mentioning hunters "all over" those woods. Could one of them mistaken her for their prey and she's either still out there somewhere or that person did something to "disappear" her? I hadn't thought about that until that was mentioned.

Greenwich family tries to maintain hope for Chelsea Grimm, missing since 2023: 'Life isn't the same'​

Anguished family members of Chelsea Grimm have released a video about her disappearance in Arizona last year, acknowledging the heartache they have endured since she went missing in the fall of 2023 on a cross-country driving trip.

Speaking with a private investigator working on the young woman's disappearance in the desert in late September of last year, her father, Stephen Grimm, said it was a "parent's worst nightmare" to have a daughter disappear.

Lt. Adam Simonsen of the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office told Greenwich Time there were no new updates on the disappearance.

"It's still open, and we're looking at any leads that might come in," Simonsen said.

There is no active search ongoing, he said, but the county sheriff's search and rescue team trains regularly in the area where Grimm went missing, so "a limited, continuous search" is still active.

"We're continuing to canvas the area, so we're hoping any new evidence may come up during training," the lieutenant said.

The county sheriff looked at "any and all leads," when Grimm first went missing, from drones and interviews with witnesses to video collection and credit card monitoring.

"We're hoping for a good outcome still," he said. "You never know when a break may present itself."

The Grimm family — Stephen and his wife, Janet, and Chelsea's sister, Sarah — recently taped a 48-minute video with private investigator Justin Yentes and posted it to YouTube.

At her home in Greenwich, Janet Grimm confirmed that she and her family had produced the video, in part to dispel rumors and misinformation about the case, but she declined further comment. She said a team of investigators had been working to find Chelsea.

It says they continue to search an area where she went missing, but I don’t think they really know where she went missing, do they?
They did find her vehicle, so I think they're basing everything off of that location.
Doh! That's right! I got mixed up in my mind with another case - a much older case!

I should have looked up and reminded myself that this is the case where I thought she might have gotten lost looking for her bearded dragon. :(

Renewed search for new clues in 2023 disappearance of Chelsea Grimm​

The mysterious disappearance of a San Diego woman in the northern Arizona woods one year ago prompted her parents to come back with their private investigator to try and uncover new clues.

Chelsea Grimm’s family said they’ve eliminated certain tips, but now they’re back to square one and are pleading for help from the public.

“It’s like a bad movie, but it’s reality,” said Stephen Grimm, Chelsea’s father.

This isn’t how the Grimm family pictured their lives one year later.

Chelsea’s parents don’t know if she’s dead or alive or if foul play is involved or not, but as the mystery only deepens, so does their tenacity to find their daughter.

“I just need to know that whatever happens, I’ve done everything and that her father and I have done, everything we can to make a full court press to find her,” said Janet.

Chelsea’s family is working on getting billboards up off the Interstate 40 freeway near Williams and also launching a poster campaign in northern Arizona to get her face back out there.
I didn't go into any links but above it talks of drones and monitoring her credit cards, yet it does not mention whether those credit cards show any activity...

This is one that could be voluntarily missing but I'm not sold on anything. The remark too about so many hunters in the area strikes me...

No solid opinion.

Yeah, believe it or not.

If I have a leaning it is toward voluntary but perhaps with someone she isn't safe with... Or did not survive with...

I reread a few posts to make sure I had the right case and it seems the tires were not flat but then were...?

No idea. No formed opinion of any kind.

I am talking to no one by the way, just my own observation/opinion.

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